Inviting a new user
To invite a user you need to have the Administration permission granted to your current user. The user who initially registered your company account will automatically get this permission set. Only Administration users will see the Team tab on the left hand side.
To invite a new user go to the Team tab in the User Management Portal. Top right you will find a Invite button to trigger an invitation:
Click the Invite button to open the Invite user dialog:
You will have to provide the email address of the new users and you can decide which permissions the new user should get initially. Click Send to invite the new user. A temporary notification will show on the User Management Portal page to confirm that a invitation email has been send:
The pending invitation will now appear under Invitations on the Team page:
The new user will get an email similar to the one below containing a link that will have to be clicked to create their new account:
After clicking the link the new user will be asked to complete their profile:
They will have to specify their first and last name and set their personal password. Before they can create their account they will have to read and agree to the Azena Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Protection Notice. The Create Account button has to be clicked to complete the user creation.
The new user will receive a Welcome email to confirm the account and to provide additional useful information:
On the Team page the administrator will now see the new user under Users: