To submit a new version of your application, just go to the Apps page in the Developer Console.
In the list of applications displayed, click on the application for which you want to upload a new version.
On the APK page, you can upload your new version of application once you've confirmed your Export Control compliance. Click Browse Files or simply drag your APK onto this page:
Please note that the maximum APK size currently supported is 500MB. While the APK is being uploaded you will see a progress bar showing you the percentage completed:
Once the upload has completed you can specify a Changelog note and you will also see some details read from the APK Manifest. Your Changelog input will appear in the Application Store display for your application. Clicking the Release Version button bottom-left will complete this step and you will see a confirmation:
Now you can see the new version is in approval process.
Please note: You can't submit the same APK multiple times and you can't submit an updated APK while an earlier version is still in the approval process.
Once the approval process has finished the status will change to Online:
You can also check the application status in Apps page. Once the approval process has finished the status will change to Published:
Version history update
The version of the application will be automatically updated in the Application Store. Here you can also see the history of the previous updates.