Quoting from ONVIF's homepage,
"ONVIF(Open Network Video Interface Forum) is an open industry forum that provides and promotes standardized interfaces for effective interoperability of IP-based physical security products."
A standard interface is equivalent to a common language that conforming products can understand and use it to communicate with each other seamlessly.
What are ONVIF profiles?
ONVIF makes it easier by organizing the interfaces into several profiles. Each profile has a set of features that every product must support to claim that it is conformant to a specific ONVIF profile. It is important to note that each of these profiles are individual profiles and are not a subset or superset of one another.
Which profiles and/or features are supported by Azena OS?
Azena OS, version 2.0 supports most of the features in Profile S and Profile T. If you find that a particular feature in either Profile S or T is not available, please do contact us and we will try our level best to support the same.
How do security products communicate using ONVIF profiles?
It is not necessary that these products support all the features of a profile to communicate with each other. They can still communicate only over the features that they support. Here are some example scenarios:
Communication between VMS Audrey and Azena device
- VMS Audrey communicates with the Azena device using the DISCOVERY feature of Profile S.
- Since, both the VMS and the Azena device support the DISCOVERY feature in Profile S, they are able to communicate with each other.
Communication between VMS Becky and Azena device
- VMS Becky tries to communicate with the Azena device using the SYSTEM feature of Profile T.
- Since, the Azena device does not support the SYSTEM feature in Profile T, it does not allow the VMS to reboot it.
Communication between VMS Catherine and Azena device
- The Azena device tries to communicate with VMS Catherine using the METADATA STREAMING feature of Profile T.
- Since VMS Catherine does not support the METADATA STREAMING feature in Profile T, it cannot display any bounding boxes that are part of the metadata.
Next: Integration with ONVIF