Permissions define which actions and information users have access to.
When inviting users, company account managers can specify which permissions to grant them. These settings can also be changed later by company account managers within Account > Team:
See below an overview of user permissions with included actions:
View projects: Users can view projects they are part of. This includes the project name, description, the amount of apps and devices in the project, as well as other users in the project. Users are not able to view projects that they were not added to by a user with project management permission. Exception: users with “Manage projects” permission can view all projects.
Edit projects: Users are able to create/delete projects and add/remove users to/from projects. Users can only edit projects they are part of.
View devices: Users can view devices in the Azena Device Management. Users are only able to see devices from projects they are part of or unassigned devices.
Edit devices: Users can claim devices, edit device details such as device name, client, and location, and transfer them to another account.
Add devices to projects: Users can add devices to projects they are part of.
View apps: Users can view apps in the Azena Device Management. They are only able to see apps from projects that they are part of or unassigned apps.
Install apps on devices: Users are able to install/uninstall & start/stop apps.
Add apps to projects: Users can add apps to projects they are part of.
Purchase apps: Users can purchase apps from Azena Application Store.
Edit company settings: Users can change the displayed company name and global notification preferences.
Invite & manage users: Users can invite and remove users to the company account and specify their permissions.
Edit payment settings: Users can add/remove payment methods such as credit card information.
Projects & permissions
Projects can be used to limit device and app access to only a specified set of users.
Additional details about setting up projects can be found in Project Management. |
Only users with Manage project permission are able to create and manage projects & their users. They are also able to view all projects.
In the example above, User A can see the overview of Project A (name, description, users, amount of devices, and apps) but can’t access further details such as which devices or apps are part of the project, as he/she was not added to the project by User C (owner of Project A).
User B, who is also not part of the project and does not have Manage project permission, is not able to see any details about Project A.
User C and User E can access all details from the devices and apps in Project A. What they can do with them still depends on their overall permissions. As User C does not have Manage devices permission, he/she is not able to edit devices or install apps. User E, on the other hand, is able to do those things.
Device A and App A are accessible to anyone having the respective permissions to view/edit apps and devices, as they are not added to any project (unassigned).