New: Countries added for developer companies
- Already live: Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Poland
Live from Jul 9th, 2020 onwards: Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece. Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia
New: Countries added for buyside companies
- Live from Jul 9th, 2020 onwards: Taiwan, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Finland, Norway
- Changed: Sign-up process
- Changed: Azena logo (favicon)
- Changed: Mobile view enhancements
Application Store
- New: App filter on use cases and industries
- New: App sorting possible by newest, most purchased and most relevant
- New: Device capabilities added to app requirements
- New: Possibility to "Report infringement" of an app
- Changed: Design of Application Store catalog & app pages
- Changed: Order confirmation links to camera section
Developer Console
- New: Capability management added to allow specification of required camera capabilities
- New: Collapsible sidebar
- New: KPI Dashboard
- New: Fly out help section
Device Management Portal
- New: Display device capabilities
- New: Fly out help section
- New: Additional validations on camera cloud connection added to further improve security
- New: "Delete camera" userflow
- New: Alert for camera factory resets
- Changed: Camera filter mechanism
- Changed: Newest ONVIF specification added for Device Management Tool
- Changed: Application overview section